
Fine Arts

The incorporation of fine arts into our daily curriculum allows children to explore intellectual and social and emotional areas of development through the lens of various artistic mediums. Some areas that we explore include:

  • Visual Arts: Children express their perceptions of the world around them by creating and exploring art from a variety of mediums. This can include mixing paint to discover textures and the science of mixing colors or exploring different materials and ways to create visual arts, whether that be through mixed-material collages or constructing 3-D sculptures from papier mâché or cardboard pieces.

  • Music, Dance, and Movement: Music employs our ability to create and interpret sounds as well as our sense of hearing. Movement and dance allow the children to utilize sounds to express a variety of feelings and experiences and expand their physicality through purposeful movement and controlled motion.

  • Drama and Literature: Children are challenged to interpret, evaluate, critique, and formulate conclusions while also allowing us to express or empathize with our human qualities through the use of drama and literature.


An appreciation and respect for nature and the world in which we live is critical and one of the goals of our curriculum is to help children connect to nature in a positive, meaningful, and hopefully long-lasting way. It is our hope that by offering children in our program the chance to explore and be immersed in nature that they will continue to find comfort and joy in nature beyond their time in our program, and that these positive early experiences will translate to a sense of responsibility and advocacy as they grow and mature.

As part of our nature-based curriculum is the incorporation of eco-consciousness and teaching the children about the importance of not only enjoying nature but taking care of it. Eco-consciousness is incorporated into our day-to-day curriculum and gives the children a chance to develop habits early on that will help their planet.